Jackson Hole Wyoming Vacation Travel |
When to go? Jackson Hole has a spectacular menu of recreational activities. Springtime activities can be somewhat limited as snow disappears on the ski slopes, raging waters cloud the trout streams, and back country trials are obstructed by the winter fall-out. By late June through mid-September, conditions are idyllic for hiking, rafting, fishing, horseback riding, biking, and wildlife viewing. You run the risk of early snowfall in September and October; however, wildlife viewing can be at its best. Winter months are for skiing and snow sports. If you are planning to drive north to the Yellowstone area, be advised that the road is closed November through May.
Where to stay? First thing to get straight is that Jackson Hole is the name of the greater valley area, while Jackson is the name of the historic western town in the heart of the valley. Teton Village is the name of the ski resort development 12 miles northwest of the town of Jackson, on the southern boundary of Grand Teton National Park. In the summer months, the in-town accommodations tend to be in highest demand, while during the ski season, the Teton Village mountain resorts become more popular. Rates and availability reflect these seasonal shifts. If you stay in Jackson, look for hotels within walking distance of the historic town square. For a more natural setting, without necessary conceding luxury, consider one of the many guest ranches in the greater Jackson Hole area.
What to do? The only thing that beats the view of the Tetons is the view of the Tetons from horseback, river raft, or dog sled. Outfitters can be found online and around the town square. Classical music lovers will not want to miss the Grand Teton Music Festival held in Teton Village during July and August. Tickets can often be obtained at the last minute. For some cowboy nightlife, swing by the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar on the town square.