Ashland Oregon Vacation Travel |
When to go? Most vacationers visit Ashland between February and October during the renowned Oregon Shakespeare Festival. If you can't make it for the theater, vacation in Ashland during the Holiday Festival of Lights in December. Ashland averages less than half the annual rainfall of Portland, with less than an inch falling in June, July and August. That combined with average summer temperatures around 80F/27C, make for beautiful, comfortable vacations. To borrow from Hamlet, "the play's the thing," so find out what is playing and plan your trip based on which shows you want to see.
Where to stay? While you can find the usual assortment of chain hotel and motel lodgings in and around Ashland (several of which are on the upscale luxury end of the spectrum), to experience the essence of Ashland, you'd be better served staying at a bed and breakfast. As is befitting a quaint mountain town, Ashland is flush with bed and breakfasts of all shapes and sizes, many of which date back to the town's 19th century roots. If you plan on seeing a show during your visit to Ashland, stay at one of the many B&Bs within blocks of "the bricks," the nickname of the theater complex, and walk to the playhouse, saving time and parking.
What to do? If you're visiting Ashland, you're more than likely headed there to attend the nine-month, repertory Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which typically includes twelve plays on three stages. In addition to OSF, there are several other theater and performance groups and museums that have made Ashland into Oregon's premiere arts destination. Surrounding the town are mountains and forests that also offer a wealth of outdoor recreational activities such as white-water rafting, skiing, hiking, and camping, in addition to several wineries that offer wine tasting throughout the year. Worried you're going to miss a show? Grab a copy of "Sneak Peak," Ashland's guide to the theater, and find out when and where everything is playing.